We will bring integrity and accountability to the ACT government and our local political system. We are political representatives focused on the interests of the community, not our own interests or those of the political party.
HOW? An elected Canberra Progressives candidate could hold the balance of power in the ACT assembly, breaking the control the Liberal & Green/Labor duopoly have on ACT politics, and allow for real accountability and transparency in ACT politics.

We will deliver public policy that is informed by the most recent available data, based on expert advice, research and facts; not ideology or personal opinions.
HOW? Canberra Progressives policy is driven by expert advice, research and facts. When voting on or implementing government policies, laws or legislation, elected Canberra Progressives will be guided by the evidence.

We will ensure all Canberrans have a say and participate in both the community and in government. It is time that the ACT Government listened to the people it represents, and the Canberra Progressives provide voters with a voice.
HOW? Canberra Progressives will consistently seek the contribution of party members and community members in the development of policies and positions on all key decisions. We will establish grass roots democracy platforms at all levels in the community, in order to truly allow all Canberrans to participate in the governing of their city.