Smarter urban planning – incorporating socially, and environmentally sensitive design principles to ensure public amenity and community assets are prioritised.

Affordable Housing and addressing homelessness – take immediate action towards a ‘housing first’ policy by piloting tiny home estates, and other innovative housing solutions. Reinvigorate the Canberra Housing Corporation’s mission and objectives.

World leaders in waste management – invest in the development of new and innovative waste recycling and resource extraction, then sell the technology to the world.

Genuine community engagement – Enact legislation to provide citizen assemblies in the Irish model, providing all members of the community a real say in major government initiatives and decisions.

Reduced rates burden – Develop new, government owned, commercial property to create new sources of income for the government outside of commercial and residential rates and stamp duties.

Political integrity – Ensure the ACT’s Integrity Commission is resourced and empowered
(with retrospectivity) as a priority.

Rebalancing the transport budget – Spend an equal amount of money on active and public transport as we do on roads, rather than the very lopsided, roads only approach we currently have.

Meeting our future health demands – investigate the development of new secondary, and tertiary health facilities on the north, and south sides of Canberra.

The establishment of a Minister for Business – Consolidate initiatives of economic development and assistance for small businesses into one portfolio. Focus on a real economic diversification strategy.


Demand Better

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Better Future

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Better Business



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