A Canberra beach development
Bethany Williams - Candidate for Yerrabi
"A Canberra beach development would be a great place to go all year round. In the summer, families can spend hot days at the *beach* that would be patrolled by lifeguards.
The proposed precinct would - like South Bank - have bars, cafes and restaurants. It could have venues for live music, revitalising the live music scene in Canberra that has been destroyed by government regulations over noise.
This would ensure that the precinct could be used all year round."
Protect Fyshwick atmosphere
Peta Swarbrick - Candidate for Kurrajong
"Support the ISCCC proposals protect the light commercial nature of Fyshwick for future developments"
Two more hospitals
Mike Stelzig - Candidate for Yerrabi
"... the ACT has a poor and dysfunctional health system. If you elect me,
I will work on whoever forms government so much that the ACT will build two more hospitals (Queanbeyan style) in Gungahlin and Tuggeranong, fully equipped and with properly vetted health professionals."
Protect Ainslie Volcanics site
Peta Swarbrick - Candidate for Kurrajong
"Halt Federal building approvals on the Ainslie Volcanics site until a full heritage assessment has been done."
Disarm most police
Mike Stelzig - Candidate for Yerrabi
"Police require better training to identify and cope with difficult situations and to be able to de-escalate a situation without drawing a fire arm.
The ACT should look at the good results achieved by having unarmed police."
Enhance Gungahlin police
Mike Stelzig - Candidate for Yerrabi (Seconded by Bethany Williams - Candidate for Yerrabi)
"Build an adequately sized, staffed and equipped police station in Gungahlin to cater for the increase in population."
Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children Strategy
Peta Swarbrick - Candidate for Kurrajong
"The Family Safety Hub does not negate the need for an up-to-date Strategy and a new local plan should be developed as an urgent priority, in line with ongoing plans that exist for the Commonwealth Government and other jurisdictions"
Review planning laws
Mike Stelzig - Candidate for Yerrabi
"An independent review of planning laws and the processes behind development approvals (taking into account the Inquiry into Engagement with Development Application Processes in the ACT);"
These ideas have not yet been put through our policy development process. If you have ideas please let us know. More ideas are on the way...
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